




These resources are organized by Dishon Mills, pastor in Grace Communion International, and Mako Nagasawa, director of The Anástasis Center, for pastors, preachers, and small group leaders. The idea grew out of our friendship, ministry partnership, and shared passion for good theology.


Why Jesus? Study Guide

This Study Guide contains our general approach to explaining Jesus and what Christian faith is about. This might be helpful for preachers designing a series of messages.


Wedding Sermons

Examples of how to weave the narrative of the couple's love story into the story of Jesus' love for us.


Sample Evangelistic and Expository Sermons

This page contains examples of how the healing atonement theology speaks to Christians and non-Christians alike, and how to deliver expository messages on Scripture.


Expository Preaching: Constructing a Sermon

For first time preachers, and more experienced preachers wanting to develop.


Selecting Illustrations, Analogies, Stories

For selecting stories to fit your point.


How to Motivate People

Languages of motivation and how to use them - why homiletics must rest on an ethical and theological foundation.


Training Paradigms to Use While Preaching

When you preach in order to train others in practical skills.


Bible Studies and Messages from The Anástasis Center:

We hope to transform Christian education and ministry through the rich resources of the early Christian movement. So we create and curate materials for Christian leaders, storytellers and artists, activists, and scholars. Check out videos, tools, small group leader notes, sermons, and exegetical papers on Scripture. Also, check out our YouTube Channel or read our blog.


Resources: Hot Topics

These topics involve frequently asked questions. We write about, speak on, and curate links to other people’s resources on, the following topics. Christians have reflected on these topics from earliest times, and we include those links.