The Anástasis Center

Our Mission

We proclaim the restorative justice of God and the healing atonement of Jesus.
— Mission Statement of The Anástasis Center for Christian Education and Ministry

God’s justice is restorative, not retributive.

See our Christian Restorative Justice Study Guide to learn biblical foundations and engage various modern-day issues. And check out Mako’s talk at Eastern Nazarene College.

Jesus healed human nature. For All of Us.

See our Healing Atonement Study Guide to learn about how to understand Jesus and the biblical story. And watch this video clip, below, called Jesus Retells Our Stories.


“I now see his act on the cross as a moment of triumph.”

danielle  |  boston college


Our Events

Register for our 2025 Conference in Philadelphia, PA! And check out other events for our community promoting practices of restorative justice.


Our Classes & Study Guides

We teach and train individuals and communities to embody God’s restorative justice and Jesus’ healing atonement.

Classes are taught/led by an instructor on Zoom — register here on our Thinkific site!

Study Guide are self-paced versions of the Classes — watch the videos, read the materials, and do the exercises at your own pace.

Contact us, or leave us a comment below, if you’d like us to coach you to lead others in our materials, or ask other questions.

classes for Winter — Spring 2025

Decolonizing Christian faith? People talk about issues of race and justice in the United States as issues of ‘justice and injustice.’  Sometimes we launch into debates about ‘the proper role of government.’  But these issues began as Christian heresies, at variance from Christian beliefs prior to colonialism.  As a result, we believe we must engage in a long repentance on a national level.  The journey is long and challenging.  But along the way, it is also inspiring and sometimes breathtaking.

Instructor: Mako Nagasawa. Register here.

Does the Bible have anything to say about the concentration of wealth and power? You’d be surprised how much it does, and how practical it gets. Hear Scripture call us to a common good, public good approach to loving your neighbor today. Learn how Christians in the past tried to faithfully live out twelve core relationships — personally and structurally.

Instructor: Mako Nagasawa. Register here. Or check out all the videos.


Let’s Chat

Register for a class. Get our newsletter. Leave us a message.


Consider joining our Community events and Facebook group for community conversations.


Our Library: Bible & Theology

We create and curate materials for Christian leaders, storytellers, artists, activists, and scholars.

Check out our Bible Studies and Messages: sermons in written and video forms, small group leader notes, tools, and papers. Also, check out our YouTube Channel or read our Blog.


Our Library: Hot Topics

We research, write about, speak on, and curate resources on the following Hot Topics.

Drill down further to find more specific issues, or search this website.






Artwork & Credits

Anástasis: Gunnar Bach Pedersen | Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons. The Anástasis fresco from Chora Church in Istanbul, Turkey. Jesus pursued all who died before him, pulling Adam and Eve from their graves, because he was victorious over sin and death on our behalf. 

Traditional Ethiopian cross: Brooklyn Museum | CC.3.0, Wikimedia Commons.

Syrian Christian candlestickFabos | Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons. Copper and silver candlestick holder made by Syrian Christian Dawud ibn Salama al-Mawsili in Syria in 1248/9 under the Muslim Ayyubid dynasty, reminding us of the Christian vocation of bearing light to others.

See this page for more on the artwork.