
Worship Resources

Supporting Healing Atonement


Hymns and Contemporary Worship Songs 


Joachim Neander, Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (1680) translated by Catherine Winkworth (1863) “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation: O my soul, praise him, for he is your health and salvation.”

Horatio G. Spafford, It Is Well With My Soul (1873) “My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more”

Kirk Franklin, Now Behold the Lamb (1995) “born into sin” refers to the sin-scarred human nature that Jesus assumed in his incarnation, bearing it to his death and resurrection to defeat it

Keith Getty and Stuart Townsend, In Christ Alone, revised for the Medical Substitution atonement theory (2001) Mako submitted this revision for a seminary class.

Hillsong Worship, At the Cross (2006)

Michael Gungor, Beautiful Things (2010)

Matt Maher, Christ is Risen (2011)

Larry Hampton, Hail to the King (2011)

Planetshakers, The Anthem (2012)

Israel Houghton, I Know Who I Am (2012)

Hillsong Worship, This I Believe (The Creed) (2014)

Chris Tomlin, Good, Good Father (2015)

Kari Jobe, Healer (2014)

Maverick City Music, Refiner (2019)

Maverick City Music, Communion (2019)

Maverick City Music, Holy Ghost (2019)

Keith and Kristyn Getty, Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God (2019)

Maverick City Music, Have My Heart (2020) 


Odes of Solomon (1st - 2nd centuries)


Eastern Orthodox Liturgy


Prayers on the Day of Assumption/Ascension. Anastasis, Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain. "Lifting up on your shoulders the nature which had been led astray, O Christ, you were taken up and brought it to God the Father... Lifting up our nature which had been slain by sin, O Saviour, you brought it to your own Father... The majesty of him who became poor in the flesh has been raised above the heavens and our fallen nature honoured by sitting with the Father... and having through compassion exalted our fallen nature, you have seated it with the Father. O God, having renewed in yourself Adam’s nature, which had descended to the lower parts of the earth, you took it up to-day above every rule and authority; as you loved it, so you made it sit with you; as you had compassion on it, so You united it to Yourself; as united with it, so you suffered with it; as not subject to suffering, yet you suffered and glorified it with yourself. When you came down from heaven to things on earth and as God raised up with you Adam’s nature which lay below in Hades’ prison, you brought it to heaven by your Assumption, O Christ, and made it sit with you on your Father’s throne, as you are merciful and love humankind."

Matins on the Feast of Ascension. Kiilehua. "In a manifestation of great glory He Who humbled Himself in the flesh hath risen above the heavens; and our fallen nature hath been honored by sitting with the Father"


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