

Bible Studies, Messages, Papers


Photograph: Depiction of Mark, the Gospel writer, in an Ethiopian biblical manuscript in the Ethiopian Abba Garima Monastery. The Ethiopian manuscript dated to 390 - 570 AD, making it the oldest surviving Ethiopian manuscript of any kind, Christian or otherwise.  It is housed in the Ethiopian Abba Garima Monastery.  Abba Garima is said to have arrived in Ethiopian in 494 AD, one of nine Syrian Christians who evangelized parts of rural Ethiopia during the Kingdom of Axum.  There are three surviving manuscripts in all.  They come from Ethiopia's ancient Christian civilization.  Photo credit:  Unknown | Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons.

Below are messages, small group leader notes, and exegetical notes on the Gospel of Mark.


Messages on the Gospel of Mark

Mark 5:1 - 20  Jesus Heals Our Fragmented Identity. Text of a message taking the experience of the man afflicted by the “Legion” of demons as an analogy for having a fragmented identity.


Notes and Essays on the Gospel of Mark

How to Develop Bible Studies and Curriculum from the Gospels

A short and simple diagram showing the two major themes of every Gospel. First, Jesus is going on a human journey to be faithful where Adam and Eve, Israel, and David were not faithful. Second, Jesus is training the disciples in his mission of new humanity for all humanity.


The Art of Biblical Narrative: Mark's Gospel

An outline drawing from the literary scholarship of Robert Alter and many others. We have the literary skills because we watch modern movies! We distill four techniques into this acronym: TEDS. Themes running through the whole narrative that affect how we integrate one passage into a larger narrative tapestry; Echoes of earlier biblical stories that are asking us to compare the two; Disclosure of detail that affect how we interpret characters; and Structures like chiasms or poetic parallelism which help us identify the point.


Small Group Leader Notes for Mark’s Gospel

Leader’s Q&A discussion points for Mark’s Gospel, following the literary methods above. These notes are complete through Mark 1 - 8. Notes for Mark 9 - 16 are mostly incomplete.


A Problematic Use of Mark's Gospel

An essay that Mako wrote for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in the early 2000s, and submitted to the organization’s top leaders.


Whose Family? Which Union? Reflections on Scripture, Human Sexuality and God's Purposes

A paper summarizing the five Letters to a Gay Friend. This is an exegetical and pastoral paper examining biblical passages that are important in the discussion about what God’s vision for human sexuality is: Genesis 1 - 2; Leviticus 18 and 20; Matthew 19 (and Mark 10); Romans 1; 1 Corinthians 6 - 7; 1 Timothy 1. Ultimately, we have to look at the the nature of human desire in general, as a gift from God to move us towards extending ourselves towards Him and others. However, we are called to submit our desires to Jesus, who demonstrated the normative human emotions and desires.


Jesus, Jairus, and Jairus' Daughter. Harvard Ichthus blog, Mk.5:21 - 43, March 5, 2015.


King of Kings. Harvard Ichthus blog, Mark 6:14 - 29, March 6, 2015.


The Source of Each Person's Corruption. Harvard Ichthus blog, Mark 7:1 - 23, March 7, 2015.


Jesus on Marriage and Human Nature. Harvard Ichthus blog, Mark 10:1 - 12, March 17, 2015.


The Soldiers Mock Jesus. Harvard Ichthus blog, Mark 15:16 - 20, April 2, 2015.


Other Resources on the Gospel of Mark

N.T. Wright, Questions and Answers on Mark. Facebook video, Oct 22, 2021.

Jonathan Pageau, Transfiguration: The End of Symbolism - with Aidan Hart. Jonathan Pageau, Aug 3, 2023. A 53 minute video discussion. “This is a discussion from the Princeton Scala Foundation conference that took place in April 2023 with the title, “The Transfiguration: Glory and Grace in the World”. I sat down with Margarita Mooney Clayton and iconographer and author Aidan Hart to discuss the Transfiguration of Christ, how God's glory fills the world, and that the ultimate goal of the spiritual life is encountering God face to face.”


Bible Studies and Messages from The Anástasis Center: The New Testament:


Bible Studies and Messages from The Anástasis Center: