Global Issues in International Relations
Photograph: Flags of the United Nations. Photo credit: Tom Page | CC2.0, Wikimedia Commons.
This page highlights moral and political challenges in global affairs today: China and Human Rights, Democracy, and Trade; Ecology and Environment; Human Trafficking; Israel and Palestine; Middle East; NATO; Russian Geopolitics.
China, Human Rights, Democracy, and Trade
Economist, Wealthy Politicians in China vs. U.S. The Economist, Sep 28, 2013.
Jeff Jacoby, Two Movies China Desperately Wants to Hide. Boston Globe, Dec 4, 2016. Movies about the Chinese government harvesting organs from political prisoners.
Matthew Klein and Michael Pettis, Trade Wars Are Class Wars: How Rising Inequality Distorts the Global Economy and Threatens International Peace. Amazon book, May 2020. discusses how corporate leaders shipped jobs overseas in search of cheaper labor that is unethical and/or a geopolitical risk, like in China. See also interview by Saagar Enjeti, Author: How Elites Sold American Workers Out And How To Fix It. Rising | The Hill, Dec 23, 2020.
Ho-Fung Hung, The US-China Rivalry Is About Capitalist Competition. Jacobin, Jul 11, 2020. “Proclamations of a New Cold War between China and the US herald a clash between authoritarianism and liberal democracy. But what we’re seeing in the growing rivalry between the two countries isn’t based on ideological difference but on inter-capitalist competition.”
Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg, Hidden Hand: Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party Is Reshaping the World. Amazon book, Jul 2020. and interview by Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, Authors: How Bush Family, Western Elites Corrupted By Chinese Communist Party Money. Rising | The Hill, Dec 21, 2020.
Saagar Enjeti, BBC Anchor Corners Chinese Ambassador Live On Concentration Camps, Where Is Trump?. Rising | The Hill, Jul 21, 2020.
Ana Swanson, Nike and Coca-Cola Lobby Against Xinjiang Forced Labor Bill. NY Times, Nov 29, 2020. “Business groups and major companies like Apple have been pressing Congress to alter legislation cracking down on imports of goods made with forced labor from persecuted Muslim minorities in China.” See also Kate Duffy, Human Rights Groups Say the Xinjiang Forced Labor Bill Will Likely Be Passed as Huge Companies Like Nike and Coca-Cola Lobby Against It (Business Insider, Dec 6, 2020.
Saagar Enjeti, CCP Member Caught Revealing How China Will Use Wall Street To Control Joe Biden. Rising | The Hill, Dec 8, 2020.
Anthony Barr, If Mr. Kristof Is Taking Names, Apple Should Be Next. Mere Orthodoxy, Dec 21, 2020.
Arwa Mahdawi, The Chinese Government Is Trying to Rebrand Forced Sterilization as Feminism. The Guardian, Jan 9, 2021.
Richard Wolff, On China Becoming The World Economic Leader & What It Means For The Average American. Act.TV, Mar 24, 2021.
Saagar Enjeti, Biden, West Must Stand Up Against China Efforts To Cover Up Slave Labor. Rising | The Hill, Apr 1, 2021.
Sam Biddle, U.S. Military Bought Cameras in Violation of America’s Own China Sanctions (The Intercept, Jul 20, 2021. Purchased camera systems were supposedly made in the U.S. but actually originated from Chinese companies blacklisted for security reasons.
Amy Goodman, Historian Alfred McCoy Predicts the U.S. Empire is Collapsing as China’s Power Grows. Democracy Now, Nov 16, 2021. re: Taiwan. Although see also Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, Authors Debate: Should US Defend Taiwan Or Not? Breaking Points, Dec 16, 2021. Enjeti reviews two articles in the National Review.
Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen, Denmark Accuses Russia, China, Iran of Espionage Threat. Reuters, Jan 13, 2022.
Saagar Enjeti, Elon Musk Bows To China Revealing Fake Tough Guy Persona. Breaking Points, Jan 13, 2022.
Kim Iversen and Ryan Grim, Journalist Tracked Down Source Behind SOS Note, Discovered Chinese Network Of Forced Labor Camps. Rising | The Hill, Jan 14, 2022. Interviews investigative journalist Amelia Pang, Made in China: A Prisoner, an SOS Letter, and the Hidden Cost of America’s Cheap Goods.
China Insights, Huawei's Chip Dream Failed and Its Core Business Shattered/Its Secret Ways to Bypass US Sanctions. China Insights, Jan 17, 2022.
Johnny Harris, Here’s What Happens If China Invades Taiwan. Johnny Harris, Feb 26, 2022. China’s flyovers in the China-Taiwan strait massively increased in 2021 and increased after the US and Canada sent naval ships into that strait.
Bloomberg Quicktake, How China Plans to Win the Future of Energy. Mar 15, 2022. China was dependent on other countries for energy, and is moving to carbon neutrality by 2060. China dominates various materials (e.g. near monopoly on cobalt in DR Congo) and processes (e.g. cobalt processing, solar panel production) and is likely to lead on nuclear power.
Deutsche Welle, China Amplifies Russian Narrative of Ukraine War. Deutsche Welle News, Mar 21, 2022.
Stoic Finance, China's Collapse Just Got So Much Worse. Stoic Finance, Mar 21, 2022. This is the most pessimistic take on China I’ve encountered. Argues that the real estate market is interminably indebted, leaving Chinese citizens on the hook. If true, massive social unrest is just around the corner.
Isabella M. Weber, How China Escaped Shock Therapy: The Market Reform Debate. Routledge | Amazon page, Jun 2021. See Weber’s narration by The Gravel Institute, How China (Actually) Got Rich. The Gravel Institute, Jun 9, 2022. “The economic rise of China is usually painted as a simple story: it was poor, it implemented "the free market," and now it's rich. But that picture is a simplistic one – and it's not accurate. China's rise is a reflection of its NOT implementing the ideological dictates of "shock therapy," but in its pursuing a state-led policy of industrialization. Russia's decline can be attributed largely to Western economists steering it in the exact opposite direction in the 1990s. Isabella Weber, professor of economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, explains.”
Real Life Lore, How Taiwan Will Stop China's Invasion. Real Life Lore, Oct 14, 2023. A one hour video that explores four options: the diplomatic option; the silicon shield of manufacturing silicon chips; the porcupine strategy of military preparedness; the mutually assured destruction strategy of blowing up the Three Gorges Dam, which would bury the lower Yangtze River Valley including the cities of Wuhan, Nanjing, and Shanghai. Real Life Lore, How the US & China Are Preparing to Fight Total War. Real Life Lore, Oct 25, 2023. A one hour video focusing on military and energy strategy. Explores why China is backing a dictator in Myanmar to maintain its oil pipeline to the Indian Ocean. This is vital to China’s interests in avoiding the naval chokepoint at Singapore through the Malacca Strait.
Ecology and Environment
Cambridge Institute on Religion and International Studies (website)
Michael T. Klare, Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict. 2002.
Michael T. Klare, Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet: The New Geopolitcs of Energy. 2008.
Michael T. Klare, The Race for What's Left: The Global Scramble for the World's Last Resources. 2012.
Tom Sullivan, Sweden's Dirty Secret: It Arms Dictators. Business Insider, May 20, 2014.
Shikha Dalmia, Why 'Climate Justice' Has India and the West at Each Other's Throats. The Week, Oct 26, 2015.
Michael T. Klare, The Desperate Plight of Petro-States. Nation of Change, May 26, 2016.
Terrence McCoy and Cecilia do Lago, The Amazon, Undone: The God of São Félix. Washington Post, Jul 27, 2022. “He’s been called a deforester and killer. Now he’s called mayor.”
Al Jazeera, Rare Access Inside One of the World’s Longest Running Conflicts. Witness Documentary. Al Jazeera English, Aug 3, 2022. Congo, its minerals, and its people.
Human Trafficking
Imogen Calderwood, India Rules Sex With a Child Bride Is Always Rape in a Massive Win for Girls’ Rights. Global Citizen, Oct 11, 2017.
Sarah Wildman, "America First" Means Human Rights Last During Trump's Visit to Asia. Vox, Nov 8, 2017.
Nima Elbagir, Raja Razek, Alex Platt and Bryony Jones, People for Sale: Where Lives Are Auctioned for $400. CNN, Nov 14, 2017. about human trafficking in Libya, and interview of Nima Elbagir by Trevor Noah, Uncovering Libya’s Modern Slave Trade. The Daily Show, Apr 7, 2018.; see also John Wight, Libya "Chose" Freedom, Now It Has Slavery. Counterpunch, Nov 27, 2017. and Ben Norton, Media Erase NATO Role in Bringing Slave Markets to Libya. FAIR, Nov 28, 2017.
Amy Goodman, Nigerian Environmental Activist: Displacement from Climate Change Contributed to Rise of Boko Haram. Democracy Now, Nov 16, 2017.
Raj Patel and Jason W Moore, How the Chicken Nugget Became the True Symbol of our Era. The Guardian, May 8, 2018. when you turn the natural world into a profit-making machine
Brian Kahn, Scientists Have Pinpointed the Mystery Source of an Ozone-Destroying Chemical. Gizmodo Earther, May 22, 2019. traced to China
Dexter Roberts, The Myth of Chinese Capitalism: The Worker, the Factory, and the Future of the World. Amazon book, Mar 2020. and Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, How Multinational Corporations Partner with China to Exploit Workers. Rising | The Hill, Mar 15, 2020. China exploits migrant workers, who were additionally vulnerable to COVID-19.
Israel and Palestine
Breaking the Silence (website) from Israeli soldiers about treatment of Palestinians
Richard H. Curtiss, Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 U.S. Decision to Recognize Israel. Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, May 16, 1991. President Harry Truman, seeking reelection, followed the advice of Clark Clifford; he said, "I'm sorry, gentlemen, but I have to answer to hundreds of thousands who are anxious for the success of Zionism: I do not have hundreds of thousands of Arabs among my constituents." U.S. support for Israel is thus conditioned on the Zionist lobby domestically. It is significant that Truman was a Southern Baptist and Clifford a Methodist; Clifford in particular believed the Bible authorized Jewish right to the land.
Alan Dershowitz and Noam Chomsky, Debate About Israel. Harvard Institute of Politics, 2012.
Michele Chabin, Israeli Christians Seek Integration, Including Army Service. Religion News Service, Mar 14, 2014.
Salim, Understanding the Israeli-Palestinian Apartheid in 11 Images. Thrival Room, Apr 15, 2014.
Catherine Shakdam, The Truth About Israel's New War on Gaza: The Energy Rush. Memo Middle East Monitor, Jul 22, 2014.
Noam Chomsky, Nightmare in Gaza. Truthout, Aug 3, 2014.
Richard Falk and Akbar Ganji, The Outlaw State of Israel. Aljazeera, Aug 20, 2014.
Matti Friedman, An Insider's Guide to the Most Important Story on Earth. Tablet, Aug 26, 2014. argues why reporters get Israel wrong
Gary M. Burge, Gaza: Some Secrets Few Will Say Aloud. Huffington Post, Aug 26, 2014.
Rick Gladstone, Reporting From Iran, Jewish Paper Sees No Plot to Destroy Israel. New York Times, Aug 12, 2015.
Vox, Settlements Part I: Israeli Settlements, Explained. Vox, Sep 19, 2016. and Vox, Settlements Part II: Why Israeli Settlements Don’t Feel Like a Conflict Zone. Vox, Sep 26, 2016. and Vox, Settlements Part III: The Fight for Jerusalem. Vox, Oct 6, 2016.
Avi Shlaim, Believe It or Not, Obama Had Israel's Best Interests at Heart. Guardian, Jan 17, 2017.
Al Jazeera News, Israel Passes Law to Strip Residency of Jerusalem's Palestinians. Al Jazeera, Mar 7, 2018.
Thomas Morton, Why Evangelical Christians Love Israel. Vice | HBO, May 15, 2018. notes that American evangelicals are four times larger than the worldwide Jewish community, and are the majority of support for Zionism.
Aljazeera, Why Does Israel Want to Annex the West Bank? Aljazeera, Jul 12, 2020. water rights
Adar Weinreb, Debate: Israel-Palestine w/ Noam Chomsky & Rudy Rochman. Sulha, Feb 8, 2021. a 75 min debate highlights the current political issues, and demonstrates how the discussion tends to move back to theories of origin and land claims. Saagar Enjeti, Zaid Jilani: Why Media Coverage Of Israel-Palestine Is Dangerous. Rising | The Hill, May 17, 2021. Zaid notes Palestinian non-violent protests happen weekly (yet is not covered by Western media) because of the slow seizures of Palestinian homes on the basis that the home was occupied by Jewish people a century ago; Israel’s government does not engage in nation-building attempts to win over Palestinians to an eventual peaceful civil society because they are engaged in nation-destroying. Amy Goodman, Israeli Human Rights Group B’Tselem: Israel Is Committing War Crimes by Killing Civilians in Gaza. Democracy Now!, May 18, 2021. comments on Israeli media, and international law principles of the use of military force: distinction and proportionality. Krystal Ball, Palestinians Launch Historic General Strike Hailed Most Significant Action In Decades. Rising | The Hill, May 19, 2021. discusses the Likud Party’s settlement policies over the last 2 - 3 decades, and movement towards the right. David Doel, Geraldo Defends Palestinians And Schools Fox News On The Crisis. The Rational National, May 19, 2021. discusses the plight of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
Flora Lori, ‘Suez 2’? Ever Given Grounding Prompts Plan for Canal Along Egypt-Israel Border. The Guardian, Apr 14, 2021. See also Geography Geek, The Crazy Plan to Nuke a New Suez Canal. Geography Geek, Mar 21, 2021. See also Ruby Valappil, Israel Plans to Create an Alternate Suez Canal + How Are Man-Made Canals Built? Medium, Feb 22, 2023(?). See also the David Ben Gurion Canal Project (Wikipedia article).
Hagai El-Ad, Israel Has Chosen a Two-Tiered Society. Violence Is the Inevitable Result. Washington Post, May 14, 2021. Hagai El-Ad is executive director of Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem.
Krystal Ball, Israel Decimates Associated Press Bureau and Biden Does Nothing. Rising | The Hill, May 18, 2021. anti-democratic regimes often destroy press access; no confirmation that Hamas was present in that building. See also Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, Biden’s Call For Ceasefire Ignored By Hamas-Israel. Rising | The Hill, May 18, 2021. A discussion about the demise of the two-state solution and its consequences.
Shrouq Aila and Anna Therese Day, Israel Destroyed Offices of More Than 20 Palestinian Media Outlets in Gaza. The Intercept, May 18, 2021.
Amy Goodman, Angela Davis & Noura Erakat on Palestinian Solidarity, Gaza & Israel’s Killing of Ahmad Erekat. Democracy Now!, May 20, 2021.
Al Jazeera, Palestinian Village Pays High Price in Defence of its Land. Aljazeera, Jun 7, 2021. “Israeli settlers have made regular raids into Beita to chop down olive trees, vandalise property, and provoke locals on their land.”
Al Jazeera, Israeli Settlers Refuse to Vacate Illegal West Bank Settlement. Aljazeera, Jun 25, 2021. “As settler violence and Palestinian protests spread, a major focal point is Beita in the northern occupied West Bank.”
Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, Israel Demands US Punish Ben & Jerry’s for BDS. Breaking Points, Jul 22, 2021.
Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, "The Palestine Laboratory": Antony Loewenstein on How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation. Democracy Now, Jun 23, 2023. “We speak with journalist and author Antony Loewenstein about his new book, The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World. Loewenstein explains that Israel's military-industrial complex has used the Occupied Palestinian Territories for decades as a testing ground for weaponry and surveillance technology that it then exports around the world for profit. "You find in over 130 countries across the globe in the last decades, Israel has sold … a range of tools of occupation and repression that have initially been tested in Palestine on Palestinians," Loewenstein says.”
Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, Hondurans Fight Private Cities Run by US Companies as Government Sued for Outlawing “Neocolonial Project”. Democracy Now, Jun 28, 2023. “In Honduras, communities are fighting back against privatization and foreign exploitation after Honduran President Xiomara Castro and Congress repealed a law that established so-called Economic Development and Employment Zones, where private companies have "functional and administrative autonomy" from the national government. Now a Delaware-based company called Próspera has launched a case to challenge the repeal of the law under the Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement and is seeking almost $11 billion, which amounts to nearly two-thirds of the country's entire 2022 budget. This is an example of the "extreme investor rights" of this international trade agreement directly opposing Honduran sovereignty, says Melinda St. Louis, director of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch. We also speak with local leader Venessa Cárdenas of Crawfish Rock, the area directly impacted by the Próspera ZEDE on the island of Roatán, about the stress of losing control over their community. "We don't know when our home will be taken from us," says Cárdenas. "We, of course, have the rights to be free and previously consulted on any type of project that is being done in our community.”
Mehdi Hasan, Dina Sayedahmed, Blowback: How Israel Went from Helping Create Hamas to Bombing It. The Intercept, Feb 19, 2018. “Hamas wants to destroy Israel, right? But as Mehdi Hasan shows in a new video on blowback, Israeli officials admit they helped start the group.” Ken Klippenstein, Intel Report Warned Abraham Accords Would Fuel Violence. The Intercept, Jun 22, 2022. “President Joe Biden is now pushing for a version of the Abraham Accords on steroids, leaving Palestinians behind.”
Katie Phang, The Rise of Hamas. MSNBC, Oct 8, 2023. Hamas’ rise and ideology, likely dependence on Iran and concern about a Saudi-Israeli relationship, and reliance on political confusion and disunity in the Israeli government.
Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, History: Hamas Rise To Power Previews Gaza Fight. Breaking Points, Oct 9, 2023. And interview with Ken Roth: Netanyahu Blamed For Security Breakdown. Breaking Points, Oct 9, 2023.
Murtaza Hussein, Biden Doubled Down on the Abraham Accords — to “Devastating Consequences”. The Intercept, Oct 9, 2023. “The Biden administration’s policy of ignoring conditions in Gaza contributed to this weekend’s explosion of violence.”
Scott Horton and Connor Freeman, Netanyahu’s Support for Hamas Backfired. October 27, 2023. See interview with Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, Flashback: How Bibi Empowered Hamas. Breaking Points, Dec 4, 2023.
Micah Lee, Anti-Defamation League Maps Jewish Peace Rallies with Antisemitic Attacks. The Intercept, Nov 11, 2023. “American Jews have mobilized several thousand Jews across the U.S. to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. ADL calls these Jewish organizations “hate groups.””
Isaac Chotiner, The Extreme Ambitions of West Bank Settlers. The New Yorker, Nov 11, 2023. A fascinating interview of a Jewish Zionist and her logic. The activist wants to close the option of a Palestinian state.
Amy Goodman, Jeremy Scahill: Israel's "Lethal Lie" About Al-Shifa Hospital as Hamas Base Was Co-Signed by Biden. Democracy Now, Nov 28, 2023.
Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, Bibi, AIPAC Plan Big Lobby Against Ceasefire. Breaking Points, Nov 30, 2023.
Ronen Bergman and Adam Goldman, Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago. New York Times, Nov 30, 2023. “A blueprint reviewed by The Times laid out the attack in detail. Israeli officials dismissed it as aspirational and ignored specific warnings.”
Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, Shock Video: Israeli Hero Executed By Settler. Breaking Points, Dec 4, 2023. A statement about the cultural politics of Jewish Israelis becoming militarized, traumatized, fearful.
Kyrstal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, Exposed: Israel's AI Mass Assassination Factory. Breaking Points, Dec 4, 2023. The U.S. decided to send 2,000 pound bunker buster bombs for the IDF to use in Gaza. Israel uses AI to target civilian homes of supposed Hamas militants.
Krystal Ball, Norm Finkelstein Unleashed: Bibi, RFK Jr, Bill Maher. Breaking Points, Dec 26, 2023. An excellent 90 minutes of Dr. Finkelstein, a historian, responding to people making excuses for Israel’s conduct in the war with Hamas, and long before.
Krystal Ball, Confirmed: IDF, Biden Lied About Hamas Hospital Tunnels. Breaking Points, Dec 23, 2023.
Sam Seder and Emma Vigeland, Krystal Ball Shreds RFK's Israel Propaganda. The Majority Report, Dec 20, 2023.
Ryan Grim and Emily Jashinsky, 'Textbook Case Of Genocide' Israeli Historian On Gaza. Counter Points | Breaking Points, Dec 28, 2023.
Amos Harel, Israel-Hamas Hostage Deal Takes Back Seat Due to Netanyahu's Political Calculations. Haaretz, Jan 17, 2024. “Despite U.S. pressure, the only 'day after' Netanyahu is concerned about is post-Biden. The war cabinet is torn on hostage release, and for Netanyahu, his coalition comes first. If Gantz and Eisenkot bolt the emergency government, it could spark a wave of mass protests on the streets of Israel.”
Ryan Grim, Breaking: ICJ Finds Genocide Risk, Orders Israel To Comply. Breaking Points, Jan 26, 2024. Interview with Trita Parsi about the UN International Criminal Justice Court ruling that Israel is at risk of committing genocide, and orders a desist.
Amos Harel, Netanyahu's Current Coalition Won't Survive a Hostage Deal With Hamas. Haaretz, Jan 31, 2024. “The Israeli prime minister is nearing a critical decision point: to accept the deal with heavy concessions and face criticism from many Israelis, or reject it as demanded by far-right ministers Ben-Gvir and Smotrich, risking the departure of centrist ministers. Meanwhile, he's resorting to vague semi-denials.”
Debbie Nathan, How Israel Quietly Crushed Early American Jewish Dissent on Palestine. The Intercept, Mar 3, 2024. “Our Palestine Question,” an explosive new book by Geoffrey Levin, delves into American Jewish McCarthyism from the 1950s through late 1970s.
Ryan Grim and Treeta Parsi, Shock: US Allows Ceasefire Resolution to Pass at UN. Breaking Points, Mar 25, 2024.
Amy Goodman, Breaking the Silence: Israeli Army Veterans Tour U.S. & Canada to Speak Out Against Occupation. Democracy Now, Apr 11, 2024. “Democracy Now! speaks with two former Israeli soldiers who are members of Breaking the Silence, an anti-occupation group of Israeli army veterans. The group’s education director, Tal Sagi, describes growing up in a settlement and joining the military without understanding what occupation was. “We’ve been told that this is security and we have to control millions of lives and we don’t have other options,” says Sagi, who says Israeli society is not open to ending the occupation. “We’re trying to say that there are other options.” We also speak with Breaking the Silence deputy director Nadav Weiman about why the group is touring U.S. colleges and calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. “We stood in checkpoints. We raided homes. We attacked Gaza from the air. We fought from the ground,” says Weiman. “So, when you bring reality, you bring real conversation about the occupation, and you bring real conversation about Gaza.””
Jon Queally, Israel's Deadly Bombing of World Central Kitchen Convoy Was No Anomaly: Report. Common Dreams, May 14, 2024. A new analysis from Human Right Watch argues that numerous attacks on humanitarian relief operations by Israeli forces prove the April 1 bombing that killed 7 people was "far from being an isolated 'mistake.'"
Reuters, Palestinian Truckers Fear for Safety After Aid Convoy for Gaza Wrecked. Reuters, May 14, 2024.
Natasha Lennard, University Professors Are Losing Their Jobs Over “New McCarthyism” on Gaza. The Intercept, May 16, 2024. As brutal police repression sweeps campus encampments, schools have been cutting ties with pro-Palestine faculty members without tenure. “Many scholars committed to Palestinian liberation can no longer do their jobs. That’s because many of the professors most supportive of Palestine don’t have jobs anymore. This is nowhere truer than in the Gaza Strip — where all 12 universities have been reduced to rubble, and more than 90 professors have been reported killed during Israel’s assault on the territory. The gravity of what United Nations experts warn could amount to U.S.-backed “scholasticide” has no equivalent on American soil.”
Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, U.S. Jewish Army Intel Officer Quits over Gaza, Says "Impossible" Not to See Echoes of Holocaust. Democracy Now, Jun 11, 2024. U.S. Army Major Harrison Mann, the first military and intelligence officer to publicly resign over the Biden administration's support for Israel's war on Gaza. Mann left his role at the Defense Intelligence Agency after a 13-year career, saying in a public letter explaining his resignation that "nearly unqualified support for the government of Israel … has enabled and empowered the killing and starvation of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians." Mann submitted his resignation on November 1, just over three weeks into Israel's assault on Gaza, but his separation from the military became effective last week. "Even in the first weeks after October 7 … it was really clear that they were prepared to inflict huge numbers of civilian casualties," Mann tells Democracy Now! "I understood that every day that I was going to go into the office, I was going to be contributing to the Israeli campaign." Mann also explains how his Jewish background impacted his decision to resign, saying that while he was proud to wear the same uniform of soldiers who liberated Nazi concentration camps during World War II, it was "impossible" not to see echoes of the Holocaust in the devastation of Gaza. "Seeing photos of charred bodies and burnt corpses and starved, emaciated children that are from 2023, 2024, not the '40s, it's impossible not to make that connection," says Mann. "The situations are not perfectly analogous, but the moral similarities were very clear to me."
Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, State Dept Official Resigns Over Gaza, "Banality of Evil". Breaking Points, Jun 11, 2024. Krystal and Saagar are joined by Annelle Sheline to discuss why she resigned from Biden's State Department over his handling of Israel and Gaza.
Ana Kasparian, Congressman Spills The Tea on AIPAC. The Young Turks, Jun 11, 2024. U.S. Representative Thomas Massie spilled the tea on AIPAC's low blows against him during his election. Each Congressperson has an AIPAC babysitter, he says.
Shir Hever, The End of Israel’s Economy. Mondoweiss, Jul 19, 2024. Over 46,000 businesses have gone bankrupt, tourism has stopped, Israel’s credit rating has been lowered, Israeli bonds are being sold at junk bond levels, foreign investments have dried up, and Israel’s pension funds have gone overseas because of the danger of being tied to the State of Israel. See also Krystal Ball, Mass Exodus? Israel’s Economy Self-Destructs. Breaking Points, Aug 13, 2024.
Yitzhak Brik, It Is Not Hamas That Is Collapsing, but Israel. Haaretz, Sep 3, 2024. See also Owen Jones, Israel Is “Collapsing”: Israeli General. Owen Jones, Sep 3, 2024.
Sam Seder and Emma Vigeland, AOC Is Right About Jill Stein’s Political Strategy. The Majority Report, Sep 3, 2024. Seder and Vigeland discuss Israel-Palestine with a Palestinian-American caller. Very, very important defense of Kamala Harris.
Brett Murphy, Israel Deliberately Blocked Humanitarian Aid to Gaza, Two Government Bodies Concluded. Antony Blinken Rejected Them. ProPublica, Sep 24, 2024. See interview by Amy Goodman and Nermeen Sheikh, U.S. Gov't Agencies Found Israel Was Blocking Gaza Aid. Blinken Ignored Them to Keep Weapons Flowing. Democracy Now, Sep 26, 2024. “We speak with Brett Murphy, the ProPublica reporter behind a blockbuster exposé that revealed the Biden administration ignored warnings from its own experts about Israel blocking humanitarian aid into Gaza in order to keep supplying the country with weapons. USAID, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the State Department's refugees bureau both concluded earlier this year that Israeli authorities routinely impeded delivery of food and medicine into the devastated Palestinian territory, where hunger, disease and displacement have wreaked havoc on the civilian population. Although U.S. law requires the government to stop arms shipments to countries that prevent the delivery of U.S.-backed aid, Secretary of State Antony Blinken ignored the findings and told Congress Israel was not restricting humanitarian assistance — helping to keep weapons flowing to the Israeli military to continue its assault on Gaza.”
Angie Nassar, Israelis Are Selling Stolen Palestinian Land To Americans. Aljazeera, Oct 14, 2024. “Everything you love about America, right here in Israel.” While Israel decimates Palestinians in Gaza, real estate firms are touring the U.S. looking for buyers to purchase property in Israel and in illegal West Bank settlements. Expo organizers say these events are open to the public, but sources we spoke with said they were given a “rabbi test” and denied entrance. AJ+ traveled to the town of Teaneck, New Jersey, where a modern Orthodox Jewish community is confronting pro-Palestinian protesters who want an end to Israel’s war on Gaza and to these Israeli real estate conventions. Meanwhile, residents told us that town council members are using their power and relationships with high-profile politicians to smear pro-Palestinian voices and give political cover to these real estate events – which could violate local and federal discrimination laws. These dueling dynamics have turned small communities like Teaneck, NJ, into a powder keg of hostility.
Michel Martin, How a Magazine for the Jewish Left Navigated Grief & Anti-Zionism After Oct 7. Amanpour and Company, Oct 24, 2024. “Arielle Angel is Editor-in-Chief of Jewish Currents magazine. Founded 80 years ago, Jewish Currents has established itself as a voice and a space for progressives looking to examine Jewish identity and issues outside of what they call a "Zionist framework." Since October 7th last year, the magazine's subscriber base has doubled. Arielle Angel joins the show to discuss the magazine's mission at this difficult time.” Angel says the Abraham Accords signaled to the Palestinians that there was no diplomatic way for them to gain their freedom. Angel says that among Jews under 45, some 40 percent are non-Zionist or anti-Zionist. She is a proponent of the diasporic interpretation of Judaism.
Josef Federman, Israel’s Netanyahu Dismisses His Defense Minister as Wars Rage. Protests Erupt Across Country. Associated Press, Nov 5, 2024. On the theory that Netanyahu was betting on Donald Trump winning the U.S. Presidency. Yoav Gallant was seen as a Biden ally.
Yanis Varoufakis, What a Year of Genocide Against Palestinians Has Taught Us About West? India and the Global Left, Oct 27, 2024. Highlights fascinating history of Greek support for a Palestinian state, which was a requirement for Greece to recognize Israel until the 1990s. But Greek politics has changed towards the Zionist wing.
Selina Sykes, Israeli Minister Pledges West Bank Settlements Annexation in 2025. France24, Nov 12, 2024. Prime Minister Netanyahu appointed Yehiel M. Leiter as Ambassador to the U.S. Leiter has written scholarly works on John Locke, and Mako has critiqued Leiter in that field.
Roy Casagranda, How Israel Came Into Being ‘At the Expense of Palestinians’. Middle East Eye, Dec 3, 2024. A segment from Ashfaaq Carim and Roy Casagranda, 100-Year History of US Meddling, Coups, and Wars in the Middle East. Unapologetic | Middle East Eye, Nov 21, 2024. The Eisenhower Doctrine was to dismantle the British and French Empires, then prevent pan-Arabism in the Middle East to prevent a superpower, and only then to fight communism. Eisenhower wanted a Pax Americana.
Ashfaaq Carim and Israeli MP Offer Cassif, Is Israel Descending Into a ‘Fully Fledged Fascist Dictatorship’? Unapologetic | Middle East Eye, Dec 5, 2024. Cassif has been staunchly against Israel’s long occupation of Palestine and has been highly critical of Israel’s genocide in Gaza. The coalition he is a part of consists of only five seats out of 120 in the Israeli Knesset.
Kyle Kulinski, The Truth About Jimmy Carter. The Kyle Kulinski Show | Secular Talk, Dec 30, 2024. Kyle comments on Carter’s own remarks about Israel’s apartheid system, as well as Noam Chomsky’s summary of his weapons sales to Middle Eastern nations.
Zeina Jamaluddine, Hanan Abukmail, Sarah Aly, Oona M.R. Campbell, and Francesco Checchi, Traumatic Injury Mortality in the Gaza Strip from Oct 7, 2023, to June 30, 2024: A Capture–Recapture Analysis. Lancet, Jan 9, 2025. See Chantal Da Silva, Gaza Death Toll May Be 41% Higher Than Official Figures, Study Finds. NBC News, Jan 10, 2025. “The authors of the study estimate that the death toll for the first nine months of the war was around 41% higher than the figure of 37,877 reported by the Palestinian health ministry. Women, children under the age of 18 and people over 65 accounted for 59.1% of the 28,257 deaths for which age and sex data were available. Researchers did not provide an estimate of the number of Palestinian combatants killed. Health authorities in Gaza also do not publish data on militants killed. The study suggests that the current death toll reported by Palestinian health authorities — at least 46,006 people killed as of Thursday — is also a significant undercount of the number of people killed during Israel's offensive.” Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur, Horrific Discovery After Study Into Number of People Killed in Gaza Released. The Young Turks, Jan 13, 2025. TYT includes Israeli official response. On the international law perspective, see Chris Hayes, Biden Is Leaving a ‘Disgraceful Legacy’ on Gaza. All In | MSNBC, Jan 10, 2025. Biden as a so-called liberal President undermined the liberal world order.
Owen Jones, The U.S. Admits Israel Lost in Gaza. Owen Jones, Jan 15, 2025. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken admitted in a speech, “We assess that Hamas has recruited almost as many new militants as it has lost. That is a recipe for enduring insurgency and professional war.”
Jonah Valdez, A Deal Too Late: Israel Agrees to the Ceasefire It Rejected Months Ago, Thousands More Died. The Intercept, Jan 15, 2025. “In the span since talks fell apart in late July, the overall death toll of Palestinians in Gaza rose from at least 39,000 to 46,707, which includes more than 18,000 children, a likely undercount. “Why is it that it took eight months after that for there actually to be an agreement? The reason is that on the Israeli side, they were not prepared yet to accept this reality and they wanted to continue doing more destruction,” Muyanner said. “And the Americans were unwilling to press them as necessary.””
Jonah Valdez, Trump Halts Sanctions on Israeli Settles, Threatens to Seize Assets of War Crimes Investigators. The Intercept, Jan 22, 2025. Trump lifted sanctions against Israeli settlers in the West Bank. Within hours, Netanyahu launched a new invasion.
Peter Beinart, Being Jewish After the Destruction of Gaza: A Reckoning. Knopf | Amazon page, Jan 2025. See interview by Amy Goodman and Narmeen Sheik, Peter Beinart on "Being Jewish After the Destruction of Gaza" & Trump's Call for Ethnic Cleansing. Democracy Now, Feb 6, 2025.
Middle East, General
Stephen Kinzer, Saudi Arabia is Destabilizing the World. Boston Globe, Jun 10, 2017.
Vox, The Middle East's Cold War, Explained. Vox, Jul 17, 2017. A 10 minute video on the history of the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and the various proxy wars they fight against each other in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen.
Doug Bandow, The Saudi-UAE Alliance is the Most Dangerous Force in the Middle East Today. The American Conservative, Jun 13, 2018.
Peter Baker, A Four-Decade Secret: One Man’s Story of Sabotaging Carter’s Re-election. New York Times, Mar 18, 2023. “A prominent Texas politician said he unwittingly took part in a 1980 tour of the Middle East with a clandestine agenda.” “What Mr. Barnes said he did not realize until later was the real purpose of the mission: to sabotage the re-election campaign of the president of the United States. It was 1980 and Jimmy Carter was in the White House, bedeviled by a hostage crisis in Iran that had paralyzed his presidency and hampered his effort to win a second term. Mr. Carter’s best chance for victory was to free the 52 Americans held captive before Election Day. That was something that Mr. Barnes said his mentor was determined to prevent.”
Ashfaaq Carim and Roy Casagranda, 100-Year History of US Meddling, Coups, and Wars in the Middle East. Unapologetic | Middle East Eye, Nov 21, 2024. The Eisenhower Doctrine was to dismantle the British and French Empires, then prevent pan-Arabism in the Middle East to prevent a superpower, and only then to fight communism. Eisenhower wanted a Pax Americana.
NATO, the European Union, the Euro
Conrad Black, Trump’s North Korean Policy Is Succeeding. The American Conservative, Jun 13, 2018. Black writes a remarkably flattering piece on Trump, and a completely opposite view, also tempered by David French, Meet the New Hubris, Same as the Old Hubris. National Review, Jun 13, 2018. And also Doug Bandow, The Saudi-UAE Alliance is the Most Dangerous Force in the Middle East Today. The American Conservative, Jun 13, 2018.
George Monbiot, Donald Trump Was Right: The Rest of the G7 Were Wrong. The Guardian, Jun 13, 2018. re: NAFTA sunset clauses
Abraham Newman, Trump’s Feud With Europe Is Worse Than You Think. Politico, Jul 11, 2018. re: questioning sharing intelligence, guessing at corporate interests, etc.
Jacqued Baud, The Military Situation in the Ukraine. The Postil Magazine, Apr 1, 2022. Retired Colonel in the Swiss Intelligence Service gives a very detailed argument about the Ukraine-Russia conflict. See summary by Kim Iversen: Former NATO Analyst & Top UN Official Says This Is The Real Reason For War In Ukraine. Rising | The Hill, Apr 19, 2022.
Peter Zeihan, Ukraine War Q&A Series: Who Really Started This Whole Thing? Zeihan on Geopolitics, May 19, 2023. Argues entirely Russia, based on NATO standards of membership and accession.
Peter Zeihan, The European Geography. Globe Watch, May 27, 2023. Zeihan holds that water navigation systems, and especially the rivers of Northern Europe, made trade and capital-raising easier for northern nations. The US’s Bretton Woods order allowed Europe to flourish in peace. France and Germany were able to work together for a while, where Germany benefited most economically. However, southern Europe cannot support export-led growth, which brought German finance into crisis and dysfunction. The Russian-Ukraine War also puts German energy and manufacturing in jeopardy. Zeihan examines Turkey (which has good demographics but new governance), Russia (which has terrible demographics and geography), Poland (the natural leader of the former Soviet republics), Sweden (which maintains independence and a healthy economic base), and France (which has high leverage and most economic nationalism). See also Peter Zeihan, Why France's Unique Geography Will Shape the Future of Europe. Economy and Geopolitics, May 5, 2023.
Real Life Lore, Why France Is Actually Preparing for War with Russia. Real Life Lore, Mar 23, 2024. France is still a colonial power in Africa, particularly interested in uranium in Niger because of the French commitment to nuclear power plants.
Russian Geopolitics
Maia Mikhaluk, A Divided Ukraine? Think Again. CNN, Mar 4, 2014.
Sophia Kishkovsky, Ukrainian Crisis May Split Russian Orthodox Church. Religion News Service, Mar 14, 2014.
Maxim Korshunov, Mikhail Gorbachev: I Am Against All Walls. Russia Beyond, Oct 16, 2014 argues that Gorbachev denies that there was an understanding that NATO would not expand into Eastern Europe. But this same Russia Beyond, just two weeks before that, in an article about filmmaker Oliver Stone interviewing Gorbachev, also says Gorbachev did have that understanding. See Rossyiskaya Gazeta, Igor Dunayevsky, Igor Chernyak, Oliver Stone on Why Russia Is a Natural Ally of the U.S., Russia Beyond, September 30, 2014 cites Gorbachev saying that NATO expansion into Eastern Europe was “a betrayal of Russia and the spirit of agreements made with George Bush Snr. They were nothing on paper, but there was a spirit.” "He disapproves of what the United States has done, calling it a betrayal of Russia and the spirit of agreements made with George Bush Snr. They were nothing on paper, but there was a spirit. That spirit was violated first by Bill Clinton and again by George W Bush and Barack Obama. Since then, 13 states have joined NATO. For Russia this is a nightmare."
Patrick L. Smith, Putin Might Be Right on Syria. Salon, Oct 14, 2015.
Patrick J. Buchanan, Obama's World: Utopian Myth? The American Conservative, Nov 18, 2016. Buchanan on the resurgence of nationalism, and some positives
Stephen Sestanovich, The Two Putin Problem. New York Times, Nov 25, 2016.
Uri Friedman, Putin and Assad Are About to Achieve Their Biggest Victory in Syria. The Atlantic, Dec 8, 2016.
Zack Beauchamp, The Key Findings from the US Intelligence Report on the Russia Hack, Decoded. Vox, Jan 6, 2017. Beauchamp notes Russia Today.
Boris Mezhuev, In Russia, It's the Realists vs. the Ethno-Nationalists. The American Conservative, May 10, 2017.
Frontline PBS, The Putin Files: Julia Ioffe. Oct 27, 2017. Journalist Julia Ioffe recounts the rise of Putin, his views and aims, and the reason why pro-transparency and pro-democracy movements threaten his Russian kleptocracy.
Vladimir Pozner, How the United States Created Vladimir Putin. Yale University, Oct 2, 2018. Starts with Russia’s overtures of friendship, NATO’s expansion, and the US decision to act like the only global superpower, causing the chilling of American-Russian relations. Pozner believes that we are being manipulated by much of US media to dislike and fear Russia. He also believes that there is still goodwill in the Russia public towards the US.
Kevin Poulson and Spencer Ackerman, The Most Shocking Moments of the New Russia Complaint, from ‘Civil War’ to ‘Fake’ Rubio to ‘Colored LGBT’. The Daily Beast, Oct 19, 2018. “Promoting conspiracies. Attacking Trump friends and foes alike. Calling for their own detention. Russian trolls' alleged political manipulation got more targeted, and even weirder.”
Rachel Maddow, Trump Dismantling US Response To Russian Annexation Of Crimea. The Rachel Maddow Show | MSNBC, Sep 5, 2019.
Oliver Stone, Ukraine On Fire 2016, Sivert Krudtå, Feb 15, 2020.
William J. Broad, Putin’s Long War Against American Science. New York Times, Apr 13, 2020. “A decade of health disinformation promoted by President Vladimir Putin of Russia has sown wide confusion, hurt major institutions and encouraged the spread of deadly illnesses.”
Timothy Naftali, How Generations of Russians Have Tried to Influence American Elections. New York Times, Jun 30, 2020.
Heather A. Conley and Cyrus Newlin, Climate Change Will Reshape Russia. Center for Strategic and International Studies, Jan 13, 2021. A very comprehensive and detailed assessment. See also The Moscow Times, Skepticism to Acceptance: How Putin’s Views on Climate Change Evolved Over the Years. The Moscow Times, Sep 7, 2021.
“Despite acknowledging these consequences, Putin didn’t discuss specific policies aimed at cutting fossil fuel production or strengthening renewable energy. He also said Russia is currently doing more to fight climate change than the EU. Russia is meanwhile increasing its fossil fuel production and remains the only one of the world’s top seven carbon-emitters to have not yet presented a more ambitious climate policy ahead of COP26, as the Paris Agreement requires.”
See also Tracy DeStazio, Does Russia Stand to Benefit from Climate Change? Notre Dame, Feb 21, 2024.
“There’s a narrative out there about climate change that says there are winners and losers. Even if most of the planet might lose from the changing climate, certain industries and countries stand to benefit. And Russia is usually at the tip of people’s tongues, with Russian officials even making the claim that Russia is a potential winner.” This portrayal, described by Debra Javeline, associate professor of political science at the University of Notre Dame and lead author on the recently published study “Russia in a changing climate,” was debated by her 16 co-authors — all Russia specialists and members of the Program on New Approaches to Research and Security in Eurasia (PONARS), a multinational cohort of academics from North America, Europe and post-soviet Eurasia. The PONARS scholars, including Susanne Wengle, also an associate professor of political science at Notre Dame, studied the effects of climate change on Russia and Russia’s role in global efforts to combat climate change or obstruct climate action.”
See also Agence French Press, Russia Announces Plan to ‘Use the Advantages’ of Climate Change. The Guardian UK, Jan 5, 2020. “Kremlin website recognises global heating as a problem but lists ‘positive’ economic effects.” See also Anna Konkling, Despite Putin Promises, Russia Emissions Keep Rising. Climate Change News, Dec 3, 2024.
“But despite these pledges, Russia’s emissions have kept on rising, and its gas-heavy electricity mix has barely changed in Putin’s 24 years in power. Mikhail Korostikov, a Russian analyst at Climate Bonds Initiative, an organisation that promotes low-carbon investment, told Climate Home that Putin “clearly does not [care about climate change]. It’s absent from his worldview. It’s not part of his agenda.””
Joeri Schasfoort, Why Russia’s Economy is Immune to Western Sanctions. Money & Macro, Jan 19, 2022. Joeri is a post-doctoral research fellow in economics at the Univ of Cape Town, South Africa.
Amanpour and Company, Masha Gessen: The West Is “Insane” for Thinking Sanctions Will Deter Putin. Amanpour and Company, Feb 23, 2022. Compares the NATO invasion of Belgrade, Yugoslavia to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Putin does not recognize the current map of Europe because he claims the Soviet Union did not legally dissolve.
Ali Velshi, Trump's Policy Of Giving Putin Everything He Wants Was No Help To Ukraine. MSNBC, Feb 23, 2022. Velshi reviews the litany of events from Trump’s candidacy in 2016. This has much bearing on the GOP’s flipflop on Russia and Ukraine.
Nicole Wallace, 'It’s Clear Putin Was ‘Never Interested’ In Diplomacy Says Amb. Bill Taylor. MSNBC, Feb 24, 2022.
Saagar Enjeti, History Will Have Revenge Against Putin. Breaking Points, Feb 24, 2022. Enjeti gives a historical and international account of Putin’s grand design, “the Russian Empire.” Putin believes that various countries have no right to exist in the first place, because Vladimir Lenin made a mistake.
Bill McKibbin, This is How We Defeat Putin and Other Petrostate Autocrats. The Guardian, Feb 25, 2022. See also Frank Vogl, The Enablers: How the West Supports Kleptocrats and Corruption - Endangering Our Democracy. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers | Amazon page, Nov 2021. “Authoritarian regimes in many countries, and the men that lead them, depend on the international management of licit and illicit funds under their control. Frank Vogl shows that curbing their activities for their kleptocratic clients is critical to secure democracy, enhance national security, and ensure international financial stability.” See interview by Christine Amanpour, Anti-Corruption Expert: The West Is Enabling Autocracies. Amanpour and Company, Apr 14, 2022.
Deutsche Welle, War in Ukraine: What's Driving Putin? Deutsche Welle, Feb 26, 2022. Putin’s intellectual position is the pre-1917 Russian position. Putin wants to unite the Slavic nations: Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. He believes Lenin made a mistake by recognizing them as different nations. From a Christian ethics perspective, one concern with this is the manipulation of Slavic Orthodox identity.
Katharina Pistor, From Shock Therapy to Putin’s War. Project Syndicate, Feb 28, 2022. “Although Vladimir Putin alone is responsible for the war in Ukraine, it is worth remembering that prominent Westerners played a key role in shaping Russia's post-Soviet trajectory. They insisted that market reforms must take priority over political reforms, and we are still living with that choice.”
Amy Goodman, Bill McKibben on Dire IPCC Climate Report & How Oil and Gas Are Fueling Putin's Ukraine Invasion. Democracy Now, Feb 28, 2022.
Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzales, Journalist Andrew Cockburn & Historian Timothy Snyder on Ukraine, Russia, NATO Expansion & Sanctions. Democracy Now, Mar 1, 2022.
Deutsche Welle, The End of a Superpower - The Collapse of the Soviet Union. Deutsche Welle, Mar 3, 2022. A 53 minute video, excellent overview of the collapse of the Soviet Union into its 15 republics, and the conflicts and politics that have resulted. The Russian policy of defending the interests of ethnic Russians is emotionally understandable in the situation where Russians moved into the former Soviet republics. The role of the Russian Orthodox Church is important — will it also strive to unite Russians ethnically and imperialistically?
Aljazeera, Profile: Who Are Ukraine’s Far-Right Azov Regiment? Aljazeera, Mar 1, 2022. “Estimated at 900” people. Grotesque, but small.
Financial Times, Russia No Longer Requesting Ukraine Be ‘Denazified’ as Part of Ceasefire Talks. Financial Times, Mar 28, 2022. Indicates that Putin’s claim that Ukraine has a Nazi problem was not that substantial to begin with.
Jacques Baud, The Military Situation in the Ukraine. The Postil, Apr 1, 2022. A substantial analysis by a former NATO military commanding officer who addresses various roots of the conflict. He begins, “Let’s try to examine the roots of the conflict. It starts with those who for the last eight years have been talking about “separatists” or “independentists” from Donbass. This is not true. The referendums conducted by the two self-proclaimed Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk in May 2014, were not referendums of “independence” (независимость), as some unscrupulous journalists have claimed, but referendums of “self-determination” or “autonomy” (самостоятельность). The qualifier “pro-Russian” suggests that Russia was a party to the conflict, which was not the case, and the term “Russian speakers” would have been more honest. Moreover, these referendums were conducted against the advice of Vladimir Putin. In fact, these Republics were not seeking to separate from Ukraine, but to have a status of autonomy, guaranteeing them the use of the Russian language as an official language. For the first legislative act of the new government resulting from the overthrow of President Yanukovych, was the abolition, on February 23, 2014, of the Kivalov-Kolesnichenko law of 2012 that made Russian an official language. A bit like if putschists decided that French and Italian would no longer be official languages in Switzerland.” He provides much more detail.
CNBC, Russia And Ukraine's Conflict Over Natural Gas Explained. CNBC, Apr 7, 2022.
Yanis Varoufakis, Looming Threats in the Global Economy? The Agenda with Steve Paikin, April 21, 2022. Varoufakis notes:
“With the benefit of hindsight, the West should be self-critical… Let me remind you that after 1991, Russia was on its knees. You had Yeltsin. You had, in the prime-minister-ship of Russia, liberal reformists. Why were they crushed? They were crushed because the International monetary Fund and Washington insisted on a policy of exacting a pound of flesh from the Russian economy in the form of debt repayments that the Russian economy was simply not prepared to make. Let me remind you that between 1995 and 1998, Russia was pushed into a major financial crisis by the West. The IMF brought Russia to its knees in 1998. Let me remind you that because of this policy by the International Monetary Fund and Washington, the life expectancy of men in Russia fell from 78 to 56 years of age. This has never happened, in any country in the world, in such a short space of time to have this crushing effect on an economy, a society. It is my considered opinion that the monster that goes by the name Vladimir Putin was bred in the guts of this gigantic humiliation of the Russian people. That was effected by the denial to the Russian people of the opportunity to join the global economy. It is time that Washington takes a very good look at itself in the mirror and understand that it’s not that integrating the Russian economy didn’t work. It was a choice of Washington and in particular the International Monetary Fund in association with Washington DC. It was a choice not to integrate Russia that gave rise to Putin, the oligarchs, and gave the impetus to a process by which Russia became the villain of the piece.”
Peter Zeihan, Russia's Military Starts Shopping Abroad. Zeihan on Geopolitics, Sep 7, 2022. Russia is relying on tactical artillery from Iran, and now looks to North Korea. This means that Russia’s military equipment and sales is collapsing.
Peter Zeihan, The Collapse of Empires. Zeihan on Geopolitics, Sep 15, 2022. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine proved that Russia’s military power has precipitously declined. Zeihan expects conflicts to break out in regions where Russia’s presence once stabilized tensions and conflicts: Syria; Armenia and Azerbaijan; Georgia; Nistria in Moldova; Belarus; perhaps even Venezuela.
Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, Media, US Embraces Nazi Revisionism For Ukraine. Breaking Points, Oct 3, 2023. Discuss Antony Blinken and several media outlets pushing Holocaust revisionism to defend Ukraine and attack Russia.
Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, Ukraine Admits To Blowing Up Nordstream. Breaking Points, Nov 13, 2023. The highest military officer in Ukraine, at a minimum (if not President Zelensky himself), wanted to draw the U.S. and Europe into Ukraine’s defense in the war with Russia.
Ian Bremmer, Putin and Tucker | Quick Take. GZero, Feb 8, 2024. Bremmer affirms: Putin views lesser countries as having no agency when they joined NATO. Putin is so embedded in the view of “great power politics” that he attributes all of it to the US, and simply ignores the self-determination of other countries especially when they are concerned about Russian aggression in Ukraine, Georgia, etc.
The Military Show, Finland is Planning Aggressive Response Against Russia After This Happens. The Military Show, Jul 26, 2024. Putin has sent Middle Eastern immigrants through Russia into Finland. Putin has also conducted disguised hybrid warfare against Finland. Historical Russian-Finnish interaction for centuries also matters.
The Military Show, You Won't Believe How the CIA Is Helping Ukraine Win the War. The Military Show, Sep 1, 2024. A fascinating look at what is publicly known about intelligence agencies in both the U.S. and Ukraine as relates to collaboration and partnership.
Aaron Bastai, The Liberal World Order is Over. Here’s Why | Aaron Bastani Meets Anne Applebaum. Norava Media, Sep 8, 2024. Applebaum talks about her book Autocracy Inc., and the liberal global financial system which enables autocrats and anti-liberal oligarchs and dictators. At the 4:45 mark, Applebaum talks about Putin and Russia. She was connected with Russians who had wanted closer economic ties with Europe and the West, but who were thwarted by former KGB agents like Putin and the people who are now the oligarchs. This affects the believability of Putin, in his claim that NATO aggression caused Russia’s foreign policy, which can be called defensive and expansive at the same time. Rather, Russia’s foreign policy can be explained by the internal politics of Russia.
Geopolitical Economy Report, Ukraine Sits on Trillions Worth of Minerals. US Politicians Want Them. Geopolitical Economy Report, Sep 17, 2024. Quotes from Vincenzo Bove, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, and Petros G. Sekeris, “Oil above Water”: Economic Interdependence and Third-party Intervention. Journal of Conflict Resolution | Sage Journals, Jan 27, 2015. We explore economic incentives for third parties to intervene in ongoing internal wars. We develop a three-party model of the decision to intervene in conflict that highlights the role of the economic benefits accruing from the intervention and the potential costs. We present novel empirical results on the role of oil in motivating third-party military intervention. We find that the likelihood of a third-party intervention increases when (a) the country at war has large reserves of oil, (b) the relative competition in the sector is limited, and (c) the potential intervener has a higher demand for oil. See summary article by Vincenzo Bove and Petros G. Sekeris, Fueling Conflict: The Role of Oil in Foreign Interventions. Global Observatory, Mar 5, 2015. “One of these studies provided statistical evidence that Central Intelligence Agency covert operations during the Cold War resulted in increased imports of United States goods from target countries, without the same holding true for exports.”
The Military Show, Putin in a State of Panic as He Realizes War is Already Lost. The Military Show, Sep 21, 2024. Also notes that Russian media is presenting the Ukraine war as a holy war, in which Russians should be willing to give their lives.
Kate Gerbeau, ‘Putin Has Failed’ - We Must Prepare for the Kremlin Collapse | Vladimir Kara-Murza & Bill Browder. Times Radio, Nov 15, 2024. Especially informative is Vladimir Kara-Murza’s perspective in the latter half of the interview, because he is a professional historian previously imprisoned in Russia and released because of a prisoner swap.
Emily Jashinsky and Krystal Ball, ‘It's About Money': Lindsey Graham Quiet Part Out Loud On Ukraine. Breaking Points, Nov 26, 2024. Ukraine leads Europe in rare earth metals. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) candidly shares on Fox News that the U.S. could and should make a lot of money for defending Ukraine.
Ben Meiselas, Trump Gets Nightmare News in Georgia… USA Next!! Meidas Touch, Dec 2, 2024. People in the nation of Georgia held mass demonstrations against Putin.
Jonathan V. Last, Sarah Longwell, and Tim Miller, Syria Is a Win for Biden | Clueless! The GOP's Own Voters Hate Them! Trump Sends Don. Jr's Ex Out of the Country! Next Level, The Bulwark, Dec 11, 2024.
Real Life Lore, What Russia Doesn’t Want You to Know About Your History. Real Life Lore, Dec 20, 2024. A Central and Eastern European perspective. Russia in its Czarist and Communist phases was ambitious for influence and empire; central and eastern Europeans paid a heavy price. In January 1991, Soviet troops invaded Lithuania, then withdrew after a violent confrontation. Soviet troops also attacked the Latvian Ministry of the Interior, resulting in 6 deaths of Latvians. In July 1991, the Warsaw Pact was finally dissolved. But tens of thousands of Soviet troops did not complete their withdrawal from Poland in 1993. Also in Ukraine, a group of communist hardliners launched a coup to preserve Kremlin influence; Ukraine declared its independence from the Soviets. In 1992, the newly independent Russia under Boris Yeltsin intervened in Moldova to support a pro-Russian government, killed hundreds of people, and occupied 12% of Moldova’s land in Transnistria. Also in 1992, Tajikistan descended into civil war, with thousands of Russian soldiers supporting the Tajik government to crush the rebellion; anywhere from 20,000 - 150,000 people were killed. In the summer of 1992, unrest in Georgia led the chairman of the Russian Parliament accused the Georgians of committing genocide against the Ossetians, threatening forcible annexation unless Georgia agreed to a ceasefire that allowed Russian peacekeepers to enter the country. Armed skirmishes were reported. In August of 1992, another ethnic conflict broke out in Georgia and Russia again got involved. In early 1993, the Russian air force bombed a Georgian city using unmarked planes. Thus, within 2 years of the Soviet Union collapsing, Russia intervened in four wars: the Moldovan Transnistria War of 1992; the War of Abkhazia in 1992 - 3; the South Ossetia War in 1992 - 3; the Tajikistan Civil War of 1992 - 7. In September 1993, Yeltsin launched a coup against the Russian Parliament, because they impeached him. Intense fighting took place. The Russian Army sided with Yeltsin in October 4, 1993 and stormed the Parliament building. Yeltsin consolidated power in the Presidency. This alarmed Central and Eastern Europe because of the decline of democracy and rise of autocracy. Then in 1994 in Chechnya, Russia reconquered this state which had declared independence in 1991. Yeltsin ordered a full scale invasion and this became a brutal quagmire. The Russians decimated cities block by block. In April 1995, Russians massacred 300 villagers. Other wars occurred in Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo which made NATO agreements and peacekeeping attractive to Central and Eastern Europeans. Poland was so concerned to join NATO that Lech Walesa visited the U.S. in 1996 and met with Republicans, which also put pressure on President Clinton. They joined NATO in 1999 when Vladimir Putin became Prime Minister under Yeltsin and launched the Second Chechen War. Other nations remembered Cold War invasions and interference by Soviet Russia.
The Church and International Relations: Topics:
The section on The Church and International Relations includes: Christianity & IR lists Christian ethical reflections on international relations; Immigration and Refugees highlights moral and ethical challenges on human migration; Nuclear & Chemical War focuses on the development of, and politics surrounding, these types of warfare; American Imperialism examines the military, diplomatic, and economic consequences of U.S. policies; Global Issues highlights major geopolitical challenges facing the global community.
This topic overlaps with Church and Empire, especially in the Nation-State mode.