


Photo credit:  Unknown, Creative Commons Zero.



This page explores the science and politics of tobacco.


Messages and Resources on Christian Restorative Justice, Environment, and Health

Out of Eden: A Christian Study and Action Guide to Food and the Environment

A practical Study and Action Guide for use by small groups discussion or personal reflection. The guide covers topics that are actionable on the personal and policy levels: sugar’s impact on our bodies and sugar corporations’ truth-telling and accountability, corn and corn subsidies creating over-supply, plastic and its biological impact on animals and humans, the true cost of meat in terms of soil depletion and air pollution, and food waste and the practices which can diminish it.


Other Resources on Tobacco


Christian Restorative Justice, Environment, and Health: Topics:

This page is part of our section on the Environment and Health, which explores the following topics:


Christian Restorative Justice Critique of the Right: Domestic Policy Topics:

This page is part of our section Critique of the Right, which engages the following topics:


Christian Restorative Justice Critiques of the Right: Philosophical Influences: