

Christian Restorative Justice and Human Life


Photograph: A fetus aborted at 10 weeks, because the mother was diagnosed with cancer of the womb.  Photo credit:  Suparna Sinha | CC2.0, Flickr.



These resources explore ethical and moral problems related to bioethics as put forward commonly by left-leaning secularists prioritizing “individual freedom” and/or the plasticity of human nature.


Messages and Resources on Bioethics

Abortion Policy and Christian Social Ethics in the United States (Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2021), see Facebook author page


Reclaiming My Theology from Patriarchy and Abortion for Reclaiming My Theology podcast (May 3, 2022)


Thinking More Clearly About Abortion for Gravity Leadership podcast (Apr 27, 2021)


Other Christian Resouces on Bioethics


Bioethics: Topics:


Christian Restorative Justice Critique of the Left: Domestic Policy Topics:

The section Critique of the Left engages the following topics: Bioethics discusses the impact of technology on conception and birth, enhancement and therapeutics, and aging and death; Consumption challenges the notion that we are “sovereign individuals” who are exercising free choices; Government Corruption spotlights political compromises and dealings contrary to the public good; Immigration highlights the complicity between Left and Right on stalling immigration policy reform; Media spotlights failures of, and possible fixes to, left-wing or left-leaning media; Power and Politics highlights the impact of racial considerations and racism on political campaigns, voting rights, public investments, and other political procedures; Relational Personhood examines how “individualism” fails to comprehend the importance of healthy relationships and communities in human development; Race examines the impact of white supremacy on virtually every aspect of American life; Religious Tolerance focuses on how Christian faith produced a difference between church and society, and argued for religious toleration from its earliest days; Secularized University examines the moral and intellectual problems produced by the cultural Leftism of individualism; Sex Industry documents the moral and policy challenges of treating sex as a commodity, which the majority of people on the leftward side of the political spectrum tend to do. We critique philosophical influences behind some secularists on the left: Myth of Christian Ignorance responds to the accusation that Christian faith led to a “dark ages” and technological backwardness; Secular Liberalism critiques the assumption that political and moral values can be sustained and nurtured by political procedures themselves.


Christian Restorative Justice Critique of the Left: Philosophical Influences