Photo credit: PEO ACWA | CC2.0, Flickr.
These resources explore moral and ethical challenges related to education, mostly in the context of the U.S. We explore these challenges in light of God’s creation order and God’s vision for relationships between human beings, and also between human beings and the created world. The topic of apprenticeships is important because it is an alternative way than schooling to provide vocational training and exposure. Germany, for example, implements apprenticeships quite successfully.
Other Resources on Apprenticeships
Ivan Illich, Deschooling Society. Marion Boyars Publishers | Amazon page, Jul 1, 2000.
Eric Westervelt, The Secret to Germany's Low Youth Unemployment. NPR, Apr 4, 2012.
Bielefeld, What Germany Offers the World. The Economist, Apr 14, 2012.
Bruce Watson, Why College May Not Be the Best Choice for Your Education Dollar. Daily Finance, Aug 9, 2012,
Natalia Aivazova, Role of Apprenticeships in Combating Youth Unemployment in Europe and the United States. Petersen Institute for International Economics, Aug 2013.
Eshe Nelson, The World Would Be $1.1 Trillion Richer If It Treated Its Young People More Like Germany Does. Quartz, Oct 25, 2016.
Christian Restorative Justice and Education: Topics:
This section on Education examines the challenges and promise of good Public K-12 schools, while tracking Race and School Inequalities and Race and School Redistricting. Charter Schools and Voucher Programs examine alternative models of schooling, especially tracking their moral or programmatic failures. Classroom Restorative Justice highlights examples of the successes and costs of implementing restorative justice in schools, as one way to dismantle the School-to-Prison Pipeline. Colleges examines the socio-economic role of higher education both private and public, while Student Loan Debt spotlights the rising cost to people of that endeavor. Apprenticeships explore models of workplace learning.