


Voucher Programs are a proposal to funding public, and sometimes private, schools. It claims to give more choice to families. However, it pushes off the cost of transportation and fact-finding to parents, and increases instability at schools and pollution in the community.


General Resources on Voucher Programs


Milton Friedman, The Role of Government in Education. paper, 1955. Friedman argues for government-funded vouchers for schools, but not a publicly run school system. Contrary to his libertarian ideology, Friedman shows that schooling is not a market good because he acknowledges that schools provide training for democracy and citizenship, not just job training.

Carl F. Horowitz, Vouchers as Reparations. Mises Institute, Sep 1, 1996. Horowitz gives a history of Milwaukee, WI in the form of a narrative, not principled, critique of vouchers; critiques Polly Williams as a "black separatist" who ran a Black Panther platform

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., Voucher Socialism. Mises Institute, Jul 13, 1999.

William F. Anderson, Trouble With Vouchers. Mises Institute, Sep 19, 2000. A libertarian argument against vouchers and public schooling

Laurence Vance, Vouchers: Another Central Program. Mises Institute, Dec 23, 2003. On the libertarian platform of abolishing all public schools and calling the result the free market in education; critiques John Merrifield, School Choices: True and False about vouchers and regulation; note the libertarian question of why anyone should pay for the education of another person's child

Laurence Vance, Vouchers: Another Income Redistribution Scheme. Mises Institute, Feb 3, 2005.

Rachel M. Cohen, The War on Public Schools: Charters, Vouchers, and Disposable Teachers are Trump’s Targets. American Prospect, Jan 4, 2017.

Michael Hiltzik, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is Getting Some Very Bad News About Her Favorite Thing, School Vouchers. Los Angeles Times, Feb 28, 2017. “Studies of a few early voucher experiments in Milwaukee, New York and Washington, D.C., were equivocal at best, showing some modest improvement in test scores for some students and none for others.  That’s why the latest findings, which emerge from studies of statewide programs in Louisiana, Ohio and Indiana, have left education experts stunned. In a nutshell, they find huge declines of academic achievement among students in voucher programs in those three states.”

David Martin, Tri-City Ghosts: School Vouchers Raise the Possibility of Diverting Money Into Abusive Faith Communities. The Pitch, Mar 7, 2017.

Alia Wong, Public Opinion Shifts in Favor of School Choice. The Atlantic, Aug 21, 2018.

Krystal Ball, Forget The Masks, Statues The Real Culture War Has Just Begun. Rising | The Hill, Jul 14, 2020. On defunding public education; DeVos wants to push school privatization

Cory Turner, How Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Will Be Remembered. NPR, Nov 19, 2020. On revising Title IX sexual assault allegation processes; borrower defense and student loans; school choice (charter and voucher)

Nina Mast, State and Local Experience Proves School Vouchers Are a Failed Policy That Must Be Opposed.  Economic Policy Institute, Apr 20, 2023. Despite overwhelming evidence of the harms of voucher programs and the unpopularity of attacks on public education, right-wing anti-education privatization advocates have prioritized the creation or expansion of school voucher programs as a policy goal this year in statehouses across the country. As of March 2023, public education advocates are tracking voucher bills in at least 24 states. As of mid-April, universal voucher bills—which will allow all families, regardless of income, to use public funds to pay for private education—have passed in four states: Iowa, Utah, Arkansas, and Florida. Meanwhile, voucher expansion bills have failed in at least six states so far in 2023: Georgia, Texas, Idaho, Virginia, Kentucky, and South Dakota.  Public school advocacy organizations producing analysis reports include:  Arizona Center for Economic Progress (AZCEP), Georgia Budget and Policy Institute (GBPI), Florida Policy Institute (FPI), Common Good Iowa (CGI), and Every Texan.

James Li, Does School Choice Harm Or Help US Education? Breaking Points, Jul 16, 2023. Points out data on “school choice” programs vs. standard public schools. Milton Friedman emerged as the loudest voice against Brown v. Board.

John Reynolds, Subverting Public Education to Fund Religious Schools.  John Reynolds, Nov 10, 2023.  An outline for a book, well sourced.

Samantha Boyd, Arkansas Department of Education Report Details Students Using Education Freedom Accounts to Attend Private Schools.  NBC News | KARK, Oct 18, 2023. 

Richard Fowler, Historic Win for Public Education as State Voucher Scheme is Defeated.  Chicago Teachers Union, Nov 9, 2023.  For background, see Illinois Families for Public Schools, Game Over for School Vouchers in Illinois.  Illinois Families for Public Schools, Oct 2023.  “In 2017, as a result of a backroom deal between then Governor Rauner, legislative leaders and the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago, the IL General Assembly created a K-12 voucher program for Illinois in the form of a tax credit scholarship scheme. Known as the Invest in Kids Act, the law allows up to $75 million in tax revenue to be diverted to private schools each year. More than $250 million state dollars have now been siphoned off to private schools in our state.  This program was intended to last for five years and to sunset after the 2022-2023 school year. It was extended for one additional school year already. Voucher supporters and school privatizers want it to be made permanent and expand!  The Illinois General Assembly has one last chance to take a vote to revive this program, Veto Session, scheduled for Oct 24-26th and Nov 7-9th. If no legislation is passed, it will end. But they could also pass a bill to continue funding it. This is the do-or-die moment for whether Illinois will continue this harmful program.”  

Andy Spears, Vouchers Are Expensive and Ineffective.  The Education Report | Substack, Nov 13, 2023.  “But Tennessee lawmakers want to bring them back.”

Andy Spears, TN Pastors Oppose Gov. Lee's School Voucher Plan.  Advocate Andy | Substack, Nov 30, 2023.  Group calls for fully funded public schools.  Tennessee pastors expressed opposition to a school voucher plan announced by Gov. Bill Lee yesterday.


Christian Restorative Justice and Education: Topics:

This section on Education examines the challenges and promise of good Public K-12 schools, while tracking Race and School Inequalities and Race and School Redistricting. Charter Schools and Voucher Programs examine alternative models of schooling, especially tracking their moral or programmatic failures. Classroom Restorative Justice highlights examples of the successes and costs of implementing restorative justice in schools, as one way to dismantle the School-to-Prison Pipeline. Colleges examines the socio-economic role of higher education both private and public, while Student Loan Debt spotlights the rising cost to people of that endeavor. Apprenticeships explore models of workplace learning.


Christian Restorative Justice Critique of the Right: Domestic Policy Topics:


Christian Restorative Justice Critique of the Right: Philosophical Influences: