The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Encouragement and Exhortation
This page is to help people understand and grow in the gifts of encouragement and exhortation.
Messages and Resources on the Gifts of Encouragement and Exhortation
The Gift of Encouragement, part 1 (Neighborhood Church of Dorchester, Jun 18, 2017) given by Valerie Copeland
The Gift of Encouragement, part 2 (and ppt) (Neighborhood Church of Dorchester, Jun 25, 2017) given by Valerie Copeland
Other Christian Resources on Encouragement and Exhortation
Larry Crabb, Encouragement: The Key to Caring. Zondervan | Amazon page, Jun 5, 1990. A helpful, short book.
Brene Brown, The Power of Vulnerability. TED talk, Jun 2010.
Nancy Dubuc, Mixing Doers, Thinkers, and Feelers. New York Times, Mar 19, 2015.
Susan David, Building Emotional Agility. Harvard Business Review, Sep 22, 2016.
Chaim Saiman, Why The Last Jedi Is More 'Spiritual' Than 'Religious'. The Atlantic, Dec 27, 2017. Rey has so much raw talent she does not need training, and all the mentor-father figures (Han Solo, Luke Skywalker) have failed or are self-consumed, and the mentor-mother figure (Leah) gives training to Rey that is not seen onscreen, in The Rise of Skywalker. This downplays the role of community and mentorship (“religion”).