The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Prophecy and Words of Knowing
This page is to help people understand and grow in the gifts of prophecy and words of knowledge.
Messages and Resources on the Gifts of Prophecy and Words of Knowing
The Gift of Prophecy: Words of Hope From Your Mouth (1 Corinthians 12 - 14)
The Gift of Prophecy: Words of Hope From Your Mouth (Worksheet on 1 Corinthians 12 - 14)
Ephesians 4:11: An Evaluation of the 'Five-Fold Ministry' and 'the Charismatic Restoration'
A thorough exploration, especially, of the terms apostle, prophet, and pastor
The Church and Women in Leadership
What Jesus Saw in People (John 1) (TBD)
Exercises in Hearing from God (Psalm 32, 50, and 91) (TBD)
More Discernment Needed: Giving and Receiving Prophetic Words (Acts 21) (TBD)
Other Christian Resources on the Gifts of Prophecy and Words of Knowing
Niels Christian Hivdt, Christian Prophecy: The Post Biblical Tradition. Oxford University Press | Amazon page, 2007. Hvidt argues that prophecy has persisted in Christianity as an inherent and continuous feature in the life of the church. Prophecy never died, he argues, but rather proved its dynamism by mutating to meet new historical conditions. He presents a comprehensive history of prophecy from ancient Israel to the present and closely examines the development of the theological discourse that surrounds it. Throughout, though, there is always an awareness of the critical discernment required when evaluating the charism of prophecy. Foreword by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger.
Jordan Seng, Miracle Work: A Down-to-Earth Guide to Supernatural Ministries. InterVarsity Press | Amazon page, Aug 8, 2013.
Colin Chan Redemer, Needed: Peter Clavers for the Long Work of Justice. Sojourners, Sep 9, 2016.
Paulea Mooney-McCoy, Developing the Gift of Prophecy. Neighborhood Church of Dorchester, May 7, 2017. A video, and ppt.
Craig Keener, Failed Trump Prophecies Offer a Lesson in Humility. Christianity Today, Jan 20, 2021.