The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Pastoring and Teaching
This page is to help people understand and grow in the gifts of pastoring and teaching.
Messages and Resources on the Gifts of Pastoring and Teaching
Developing the Gift of Pastoring p1 and p2 (and ppt) (video, Neighborhood Church of Dorchester, May 28, 2017)
Developing the Gift of Teaching. Neighborhood Church of Dorchester, May 21, 2017. Message given by Jason Cross.
Ephesians 4:11: An Evaluation of the 'Five-Fold Ministry' and 'the Charismatic Restoration' A thorough exploration, especially, of the terms apostle, prophet, and pastor
For More Information
The Church and Women for resources on the theological, biblical, and historical foundation for women in leadership.
Preacher’s Corner has resources related to preaching (expository and otherwise), illustrating a message, and storytelling.
Atonement Theology 101: The Meaning of Jesus’ Death contains resources related to medical substitutionary atonement, and the huge difference between it and penal substitutionary atonement.
Desire: Jesus Guides Us to True Beauty has resources related to human desire and how to interpret them, including how Christian spiritual formation can shape desire.
God’s Goodness: The Trinity lists resources related to God’s nature as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and why it matters so deeply in the way we coach, developing, and disciple people.
Other Christian Resources on the Gifts of Pastoring and Teaching
John Cook, Learning “Just in Case” versus “Just in Time”. Lifehacker, Mar 15, 2010. A great introduction to the tension of preparing people
David Briggs, The No.1 Reason Teens Keep the Faith as Young Adults. Huffington Post, Dec 29, 2014.
Dorothy Greco, Pastoring Your Church Through a Leader’s Misconduct. Christianity Today, May 5, 2015.
Ted Johnston, Pastoral Care as Moral Advocacy. The Surprising God blog, Nov 16, 2015.